Cookie Policy and Privacy Statement
Maiden Lane

Data controller and owner

Maiden Lane
Fashion-Concepts by Stout BV
Kuiperbergweg 44,
1101 AG Amsterdam ,
The Netherlands
Owner contact email:

Maiden Lane does not collect, store and/or share any of your personal data.
The Maiden Lane website uses cookies to track our visitors behaviour, detect their preferred browser language and to offer social media sharing. Please read the information below on the usage of these cookies.

This statement was last updated August 10, 2018.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilises the data collected to track and examine the use of this website. No personal data is collected; Tracking visitors on this site is completely anonymous.

We use these cookies to store the following information (this list is not exhaustive):
- The amount of time you spend on our website.
- The type of device you are using, e.g. a PC/laptop, phone or tablet.
- The search term(s) which directed you to our website.
- The type of web browser you are using.

More on Google Analytics Cookie usage is available at Google.

Facebook Like and share buttons (Facebook, Inc.)

You can share Maiden Lane pages on Facebook by clicking the social-media button on the web page or next to the article. If you click the button, Facebook will store cookies on your PC/laptop, phone or tablet. This is why we only use buttons if you give us permission to do so.

More on Facebook Cookie usage is available at Facebook.

Disabling and/or Removing Cookies.

Disabling cookies for the Maiden Lane website will not influence the use of the website. Please refer to your browser's preferences to disable and/or remove all or specific cookies.

More on removing/disabling cookies:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari